Management of energy efficiency interventions through third-party financing (FTT)
Third Party Financing (F.T.T) is a solution that is similar in principle to Energy Performance Contracts. In fact, as with EPCs, the investment for the construction of the intervention or system is supported entirely by the ESCo, as is the design and construction of the work. The difference lies in the fact that in this case, the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia will manage to finance the project by trying to involve private or public bodies. Also in this case, investors will be able to recover the capital invested through a fee linked to the energy and economic savings resulting from the intervention carried out. The customer, for their part, will have energy savings which will lead to increasing economic savings as investors are repaid.
Who can use the service
The Polo Tecnologico per l'Energia offers this service to those companies, public or private, which lack of adequate technical knowledge or which lack of funds necessary to carry out the intervention.
How it is done
The steps envisaged for the creation of the service are largely the same as those listed for EPCs. The Hub therefore offers to carry out the inspection, plan the intervention, draw up the contract between the Hub and the company and carry out periodic management and maintenance interventions on the plant. The unique step in this service is the research and regulation of investments by third parties, a process which is managed entirely by the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia.