Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Initiatives of electricity and gas suppliers in the time of COVID-19

Initiatives of electricity and gas suppliers in the time of COVID-19 As happened in other sectors, the energy sector also did not lack its support and solidarity initiatives   At […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Port of Trieste: analysis of the level of environmental energy sustainability

Port of Trieste: analysis of the level of environmental energy sustainability Technological innovation as the main tool to strengthen the competitiveness of ports   During 2018, Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Appointment of the Energy Manager for large consumers

Appointment of the Energy Manager for large consumers Online communication obligation by April 30th   Law 10/91 provides for the obligation to appoint the technician responsible for the conservation and […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Obligation to appoint an energy manager for large consumers

Appointment of the Energy Manager for large consumers Online communication obligation by April 30th   Law 10/91 provides for the obligation to appoint the technician responsible for the conservation and […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Bill decree 2023

Trento, 22 May 2023   2023 decrees to support businesses – Summary of interventions Update to Legislative Decree no. 34 of 30 March 2023   The objective of this communication […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Analysis of consumption and prices in the first five months of 2020

Analysis of consumption and prices in the first five months of 2020 The influence of Covid-19 and the temperate winter: comparison with last year   We compare the consumption trend […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

Obligations and advantages of energy diagnosis

Obligations and advantages of energy diagnosis By 5 December 2019, an energy diagnosis is mandatory for large companies and energy-intensive companies   Legislative Decree no. 102 of 4 July 2014 […]

Haber 1
21.12.2023  - 

New Arconvert Spa cogeneration plant

New Arconvert SpA cogeneration plant First parallel of the new cogeneration plant at the Arconvert SpA plant in Arco (TN)   On 18 November 2020, in the presence of SET […]