Management of production plant practices
When the power of an energy production plant from renewable sources exceeds 20kW, tax charges are triggered which entail very specific deadlines. PTE offers to manage all the procedures necessary for the management of this type of system according to the methods and deadlines established by law. Thanks to this service, the Customer will have the certainty of not incurring financial sanctions and the security of having entrusted this problem to a team of experts with numerous years of experience in the sector.
Who can use the service
PTE offers this service to those companies that already have a production plant with a power exceeding 20kW and who want to be sure that this plant is managed in the best possible way.
How it is done
The service provides for continuous monitoring of the energy generation system so as to have all the data necessary for completing the various declarations. Once this service has been chosen, the Customer will no longer even have to worry about updates to current legislation, PTE will take care of quickly and clearly communicating the legislative changes regarding each specific case.