Processing of supply data and drafting of budget estimates
In recent decades, more and more companies have made the decision to enter the free energy market with the aim of saving on energy-related expenses. This exponential increase in users and complexity has led to the inevitable appearance of billing errors by suppliers. The Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers to analyse the supplier’s invoices presented to the Customer in order to highlight possible errors, be they on the calculation of system charges, on the attribution of consumption or on the application of the relevant regulations. Once any critical issues have been identified, the Center will assist the Customer in the rectification procedures, so as to allow the total recovery of the extra expenses incurred. Furthermore, considering the income and expenses for each case, the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia is able to develop complete and significant budget estimates, so as to help the Customer verify and plan their energy supply expenses in advance.
Who can use the service
The service is offered to companies, both public and private, that need assistance in managing their energy expenses and that want to be sure that they do not pay extra costs on their bills due to not fully understanding the contract with their energy supplier.
How it is done
This service can be divided according to the following activities carried out by the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia:
• Download curves every quarter of an hour via the distributor portal;
• Transformation of consumption data in the F1-F2- bands F3 and PEAK-OFF PEAK via ad hoc algorithm;
• Verification of congruity between data collected by the distributor and data used by the seller;
• Intermediation with the supplier or distributor for any problems relating to supply or invoicing;< br>• Support in developing energy cost budget estimates.
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