Drafting of public lighting master plans
The Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers its knowledge for the drafting of Municipal Lighting Regulatory Plans (PRIC) and Lighting Plans for the Containment of Light Pollution (PICIL), fundamental tools for obtaining a quantitative and qualitative census of the lighting systems present in the area. Thanks to the information collected, PTE is then able to draw up a plan of interventions capable of improving and optimizing the urban lighting system with the aim of bringing energy and economic savings to the municipality.
Who can use the service
This service is aimed at Public Administrations intending to make their public lighting system more efficient.
How it is done
In order to develop the PRICs and PICILs, the Energy Technology Center will carry out the following operations:
• Census of the consistency and maintenance status of the external lighting systems and related infrastructures present in the area;
• Definition of an intervention plan to identify times and methods of adaptation or replacement of the systems themselves;
• Creation of measurements of the main lighting technical quantities (illuminance and luminance).
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