IT Support Services

Request and management of Energy Efficiency qualifications (White Certificates)

The Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers a support service for obtaining and managing White Certificates. These are negotiable securities that certify energy savings, quantified in TOE (Tons of Oil Equivalent), obtained thanks to interventions to increase energy efficiency through the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE) are one of the most important tools for promoting energy efficiency in Italy and are able to generate extra revenues and increase the profitability of the investments made. Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia is accredited as an E.S.Co. (Energy Service Company) in the register of the Energy Services Manager (GSE) and has been operating for years in the TEE market also on behalf of third party customers.

Who can use the service

Electricity and natural gas distributors are required to annually achieve certain quantitative primary energy saving objectives and therefore the service is mainly aimed at this type of business. However, participation in the White Certificates market is free and therefore the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia also offers this support service to other companies that want to more quickly recover investments made in the nature of energy savings.

How it is done

We manage the request for Securities and their sale on behalf of our clients (PTE is a market operator and therefore there are no intermediation charges). To date we have obtained approximately 50,000 TEEs and since 2014 we have been UNI CEI 11352:2014 certified. This certification, currently voluntary, will soon become mandatory to operate in the market.

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