IT Support Services

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) & Carbon Footprint

Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia carries out environmental assessments, such as life cycle analysis (LCA) and the Carbon Footprint of products, services and companies according to the ISO/TS 14067 standard. These are fundamental analyses for companies or PAs who want to have a measure of their environmental impact or a measure of the sustainability of their corporate choices. The hub supports the customer in obtaining ISO certification (there are more than one) and in green marketing actions, useful for improving visibility and corporate image, as well as increasing transparency towards the consumer.

Who can use the service

It is a service offered to all those companies or public administrations intending to create a solid foundation on which to build a project of interventions to improve the sustainability of their company or buildings or who simply wish to have a very precise idea of their situation.

How it is done

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